It all starts with a good canvas! The area must be healthy, strong, & not irritated.

Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before procedure.

  • Do not tan 2 weeks prior or have sunburned face.

  • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.

  • Do not have Botox or Fillers 3 weeks prior.

  • Do not use tint in the area to be treated at least 3 days before the procedure.

  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E at least 24 hours prior (natural blood thinners)

  • Lightly exfoliate the area, using gentle circles, with a new toothbrush or mild sugar scrub 2-3 days before your appointment to get rid of any dead skin.

In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit:

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before your tattoo.

  • Do not consume excessive amounts of caffeine before your procedure.

  • Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief, if possible.

**RETINOL USE: The following products &/or products containing RETINOL/RETIN-A, GLYCOLIC ACID, or ALPHA HYDROXYL (AHA) must be avoided 2-4 weeks before & after your permanent makeup appointment.

**LIP BLUSH CLIENTS: If you suffer from Cold Sores/Fever Blisters you MUST obtain an antiviral medication, such as valtrex, from your doctor. You can begin your prescription 2 days prior to your appointment. Failure to do so can result in an outbreak of cold sores & increase the chance of spreading.

** LINER CLIENTS: If possible, please do not wear contact lenses to your appointment. They can not be worn during the appointment & will have to be removed before we begin. If you can avoid wearing mascara for a day or two prior to your appointment that would be AMAZING, this will ensure most of the built up left overs are gone before we cleanse the area.


Please Note: After Care Instructions for the treatment you have booked will also be provided to you in your after care kit. You WILL be sent home with everything you need to take care of the treated area.

Microblading/Cosmetic Tattoo procedures are affected by the "canvas" (your skin) that they are preformed on. Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery, other procedures, and age of skin all contribute to fading. Though rare, infection is possible. If you see signs of infection such as persistent increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage, or oozing, contact your doctor immediately.

At first your brows or lips may look a lot darker than you imagined, don't worry they are fresh & WILL lighten! Your skin goes through many phases of healing, it will appear too dark, then as though the colour has vanished, the shape may look off if any swelling or inflammation has occurred, & it will be flaky, itchy, & dry. It is important that the skin is left to shed naturally, picking at the area can cause scarring & loss of pigment. Touch ups can not be done sooner than 6 weeks, any adjustments will have to wait. Please wait a full 10 days before passing judgement, be patient & trust the process. The end result will be worth it.

*BLOT: Gently blot the treated area with a clean dry tissue/gauze once or twice every hour to absorb excess lymph and fluid during the first 4-6 hours. The fluid will look glossy, similar to beads of sweat, if you let this fluid dry it will cause a crust to form, this can pull your pigment. Let any scabbing or dry skin exfoliate naturally- DO NOT PICK!
Do NOT apply any ointment for the first 6 hours post procedure!

* WASHING: The day of your procedure gently wash the area before bed, in a soft circular motion. The following days wash 3 times per day, ideally morning, evening, & before bed with the soap I send home with you, or an approved soap only (Dial Soap, Baby Soap, Cetaphil or Neutrogena). Avoid showering for the first 24 hours. For the first few days limit shower times & avoid overly hot steamy showers & baths. Avoid submerging the treated area in water & wash your face the end of your shower, gently with an approved soap only. Let the treated area air dry or pat dry lightly with a clean towel. Remember we want the scabbing to stay on for 5-7 days so we get the best retention possible, too much moisture will create a "soggy" scab & cause shedding before the skin is ready.

* MOISTURIZE: The healing balm can be applied, lightly, before bed on the day of your procedure. Days 2-7: Add a thin layer of after care product to the area, preferably after washing, 2-3 times a day. For oily skin types, apply only if the skin (brows) feels tight or dry. Continue to wash and oil your brows until ALL scabbing has shed. Please do this until day 7 no matter what, as some clients believe that they are done healing when they are not.

* KEEP DRY: Aside from washing, keep the area as dry as possible. Avoid excessive sweating, saunas, pools, prolonged sun exposure, the beach, etc. until you are done flaking.

* PROTECT: For the next 7-10 days allow your skin to absorb the pigment properly by following the above instruction and avoid hot steamy showers/baths, excessive sun exposure, heavy sweating, working out, recreational water activities, gardening, contact with farm animals. Once healed continue to protect your brows and lips (as well as any exposed skin) with a gentle SPF product.

** In some cases a 3rd appointment is needed, this may be the case on mature skin or scar tissue to avoid unnecessary trauma & will be discussed with you moving forward. If you feel your permanent makeup has lightened more than desired after the second appointment please contact me once healed (around the 6 week mark) and we can book in an additional session at that time.